The state association has been in existence for many years. It was once known as Medical Administrators of California or ‘MAC’. During those years, the state association placed heavy emphasis on interaction with government at the State level. At the time, the annual meeting of MAC was frequently held in Sacramento with visits to the Legislature encouraged.

In the mid 1990’s, discussions began with the National Medical Group Management Association for an affiliation with that organization, which was a strategy consistent with MGMA’s planning at that time. Also, simultaneous to the development of a national association relationship, the newly named California Medical Group Management Association sponsored regional associations which had either not existed in some areas, or if in place, not formally associated with the State Association. This successful endeavor was the beginnings of the model our State MGMA follows to the present.

Today, the California MGMA is comprised of Eight Regions: Far Northern, Sacramento, Northern California, Central Valley,  San Diego, Southern California, Mid-State, and Central Costa. These Regions, while functioning independently, have legally constituted relationships with the State Association. On a National basis, California is known as one of the high national membership States and one of few state MGMA’s with local Region Associations, a most valuable asset to its Membership. As we look forward, it is hoped that our CAMGMA will grow in membership, grow in its value and importance to its members, and grow with development of new Regional Associations throughout California.

Thank You To Our Royal & Diamond Corporate Sponsors!


California Medical Group Management Association | P. 833.252.0300
F. 888.520.9317 | | P.O. Box 3403, Hamilton, NJ 08619

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